Latest Custom Builds — Sapim

Nick’s Spank Easton 67er wheelset

27.5" All Mountain Sapim Syntace Wheel Builds

Nick’s Spank Easton 67er wheelset

Nick is a lucky guy. He’s owned a lovely Intense All-mountain rig for many years, and since we helped him sort out a 26″ wheelset a couple of years ago, he’s been riding the pants of it. When he last

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From the depths of the workshop …

Aero DT Swiss Hplusson Sapim Track and Fixed TT and Triathlon Wheel Builds XLR8 Hubs

From the depths of the workshop …

Occasionally we get new rims, or hubs to try out. The best way to do this is to build a few sets of hoops, and well … try them out. Many moons ago we did this with our XLR8 MD

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Guy’s Syntace on Hope

27.5" All Mountain Hope Sapim Wheel Builds

Guy’s Syntace on Hope

Guy had been riding with another of our customers, and was envious of their Syntace W-series hoops. They are a smart choice in the wide rim market. Whilst a lot of Chinese carbon is appearing on many rider’s bike, unless

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Nigel’s Sweet New Hplusson Archetypes on Record

Classic Hplusson Sapim Wheel Builds

Nigel’s Sweet New Hplusson Archetypes on Record

Nigel is another repeat customer. We’ve helped him out a bit, and we share a love of vintage Eddy Merckx steel frames. Nigel’s latest acquisition is a lovely near new Merckx MX Leader (MXL) made from the highly revered Columbus

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Greg’s Syntace rebuild

27.5" Sapim Wheel Builds Wheel Repairs

Greg’s Syntace rebuild

Greg had been riding a Syntace wheelset for some time, but was unimpressed with the stiffness due to the very light weight spokes. In rebuilding these for him (with new Syntace W35 rims) we selected Sapim Race spokes and hex

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